Sunday, May 26, 2013

I am Spiderman and Spiderman doesn't ask for help

Standing at 4'3" like stated in my other posts, it comes with some challenges. What challenges one may ask? Well let me tell you there are many challenges that many people, who are average sized (AP) may not think of.

One problem that I run into all the time is in the kitchen and not being able to reach the cupboards up top. Rather than listening to everyone telling me to go get the footstool, I just simply hop up onto the countertop. It takes way less time and plus it's a muscle builder, ha. With climbing onto the countertops and then standing on them to reach things high up in the counter I feel like Spiderman, hence the title.

However most superheroes don't like asking for help, if I am correct. This is exactly how I feel, I would rather climb the countertops or stand on a chair and then even a footstool on top of that before I ask for help. Now I have been getting better at asking for help, but why is it so hard to simply ask for help? Is it that one feel's the loss of their independence, is it embarrassment, what exactly is it? For me I feel that personally I want to be able to do everything on my own, to be independent, and if there is a way to grab something without asking for help, well then I will take that route. For myself I feel that I have two perfectly working legs and two perfectly working arms, the only difference is that they are shorter, but why should I let that stop me. I don't let that stop me, I will find a way to grab something whether I have to jump onto countertops, use a footstool, or many other ideas that conjure up in my mind.

Another thing that tends to happen is that I don't let any type of job or chore stop me, I will show everyone that I can do this, size does not matter. One of my daily chores in the house is tending to the laundry. Well laundry would be a whole heck lot easier if the washer was a front loader, but however it is not. Half the time there are clothes on the floor and it will make the footstool unbalanced, so instead of moving the clothes I just practically nose dive into the washer, sounds safe huh? I jump up and lean in grabbing a pile of clothes and then jump down and throw them in the dryer and repeat over and over. I will tell you this, it is a good stomach workout for sure!

Well getting back to the title of my post: I am Spiderman and Spiderman doesn't ask for help. In the grocery stores I am literally able to play the role of Spiderman, sounds odd huh? Rather than going to find a worker at the grocery store will step on the bottom shelf, first making sure it is sturdy, and grab what I need. If I asked a worker every single time I needed something that was out of my reach well my normal hour grocery shopping would probably end up taking three and well who wants to grocery shop for three hours. However sometimes I will ask to get something down when I know it is unsafe and not sturdy enough.

Challenges are thrown in everyone's lives, some have more and some have less. I may have more but I don't let that stop me from living my daily life, I may simply just make some modifications and keep on living life.

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